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Wildlife and animal images
{ 96 images }
Created 3 Jun 2009
Animals of North America and elsewhere in natural environments.
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Bison bulls fight in Tetons.jpg
Bighorn Ram stare.jpg
Moose makes a splash2.jpg
Moose in pond1c.jpg
Coyote pups share affection-final.jpg
Two coyote pups wait for mom.jpg
Mountainn goat nanny and kid in spri...jpg
Mountain goat kid and mom with flowe...jpg
Bull moose and cow1-final.jpg
Moose and calf RMNP.jpg
Moose calf and cow.jpg
Elk and magpie
Coyote feeds on bison, Yellowstone
A bull elk searches for cows to add ..rado
Bull moose calls Grand Tetons Nation...jpg
Ram trio.jpg
Black Bear Stalks.jpg
Mule deer, Yellowstone National Park..ming
Red Fox_captive_Alaska.tif
red fox_alaska.jpg
Grizzly sow leads cubs1-final.jpg
Grizzly bear tagged-final.jpg
Grizzly feeds on bison-final.jpg
Grizzly bear cub strolls on log-fina...jpg
Young grizzly bear, Yellowstone Nati..ming
Young grizzly bear plods through sno..ming
Young grizzly bear, Yellowstone Nati..ming
wolverine in alaska_final.jpg
goat perch.jpg
Young male moose feeds on leaves, Gr..ming
Mountain goat close.jpg
Black Bear cub (captive), near Limon..nus.
Black Bear cub
Coyote, Joshua Tree National Monumen..rnia
Bison ford the Firehole River in Yel..ming
Coyote walks in snow, Yellowstone
Mule deer doe.jpg
Beaver feeds on willows, Grand Teton..ming
Beaver chews.jpg
Bull elk bugles during mating season..rado
Bison calves cuddle each other, Jeff..rado
Pronghorn portrait.jpg
Hoary Marmots snuggle close
chipmunk eats grass-final.jpg
Big horn ram Yellowstone.jpg
Big horn sheep ram, Jasper National ..nada
A bighorn sheep ram (Ovis canadensis..ing.
Big horn sheep ewe on rock F.tif
Bison Bull glares at tourists, south..ming
Bison cow watches over calves, Yello..ming
Frosty bison mom and calf.jpg
Calf and bison motherly love pg
Bison calf with mom-final.jpg
Bison bull calls.jpg
A bison cow feeds her calf in late s..ing.
Bison fords Lewis River-final.jpg
Beaver chomps on willows near Oxbow ..ming
Mountain goat ewe and lamb1-final.jpg
Mountain goat ewe and lamb close fin...jpg
Mountain goat ewe and lamb 5-final.jpg
Mountain goat ewe and lamb 3-final.jpg
Mountain goats and mountains-F.jpg
Mountain goat ewe and lamb2-final.jpg
Mountain goat balancing on rock.tif
Mountain Goat Billy Glacier National...tif
Ground squirrel looks out from sage ..ming
Mountain goat and kid, near Summit L..ado.
Baby mountain goat Glacier National ...tif
Mountain Goats, Mt. Evans, Colorado
Mountain goat autumn Mt Evans.tif
Mountain goat herd Mt Evans Colorado...tif
Bull Elk Jasper.tif
Mountain Goat and Kid Mt Evans.tif
Collared Lizard.tif
mountain goal nanny watches kid.tif
Mountain goat mom and kids, near Sum..rado
Barbary Macaque ape with mouth open.tif
Barbary macaque monkey Gibraltar2.tif
Barbary Macaque monkey on Gibraltar3.tif
Sealion swims1.tif
Lizard tracks in sand, southern New ..xico
Coyote pups share affection-final_Ro...jpg
Coyote swat-T_final.jpg
Coyote swat-final.jpg
Inquisitive black bear.jpg