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Flycatchers, kingbirds, phoebes, swallows
{ 60 images }
Created 15 Jul 2021
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Scissor-tailed flycatcher-1.jpg
Scissor tailed flycatcher 2 final.jpg
Scissor tailed flycatcer 3-finaljpg.jpg
Great kiskadee takes flight-final.jpg
Great kiskadee with snail-final.jpg
Great kiskadee perched-final.jpg
Say's phoebe eats a bee
Male vermillion flycatcher contempla...jpg
Vermilion flycatcher in leaves-final.jpg
Male vermillion flycatcher 4-final.jpg
Female Vermillion flycatcher on post...jpg
Immature female vermillion flycatche...jpg
Male vermillion flycatcher with bug_...jpg
Male vermillion flycatcher-sunset_fi...jpg
Say's phoebe and sunflowers fin..l.jp
Say's Phoebe
Black Phoebe
Black phoebe sings final.jpg
Black phoebe munches on insect-final.jpg
Western Kingbird.jpg
Western kingbird
Western kingbird grabs breakfast
Eastern Phoebe.jpg
Say's Phoebe watches for meal-f...jpg
Say's Phoebe-final.jpg
Wind-blown Say's Phoebe
Western Kingbird Buddies.jpg
Western Kingbird gets a drink of wat...jpg
Ashthroated flycatcher with nesting ...jpg
Cordilleran Flycatcher 3-final.jpg
Cordilleran flycatcher
Cordilleran flycatcher
Ash throated flycatcher-denoise-deno...jpg
Ash-throated fly catcher
Vermillion flycatcher in tree2-final.jpg
Vermillion flycatcher in tree1-final.jpg
Vermillion flycatcher flies1- final.jpg
Vermillion Flycatcher in tree3-final.jpg
Vermillion flycatcher
Say's Phoebe-fnal.jpg
Says Phoebe eats gnat 1-final.jpg
Say's Phoebe eats gnat 3-final.jpg
Say's Phoebe eats gnat 2-final.jpg
Say's Phoebe eats gnat 4-finall.jpg
Say's Phoebe eats a gnat 5-fina...jpg
Blue-gray gnatcatcher calls.jpg
Blue-gray gnatcatcher3-final.jpg
Western Kingbird and cricket final.jpg
cliff swallows in nests.jpg
Cliff Swallow pair in nest final.jpg
Western wood peewee.jpg
Western Wood Peewee-final.jpg
Cassin's Kingbird-4 final.jpg
Cordilleran flycatcher.jpg
Brown-crested flycatcher-final.jpg
Windy Say's Phoebe-final.jpg
Hammond's flycatcher.jpg
Black phoebe-final.jpg
Ash-throated flycatcher2-final.jpg
Western flycatcher3-final.jpg