Randall K. Roberts
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Costa Rica birds
{ 95 images }
Created 28 Apr 2023
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Scarlat macaw flies.jpg
Long-tailed silky flycatcher.jpg
Red-eyed vireo.jpg
White-collared manikin FINAL FINAL.jpg
Male flame tanager.jpg
Slaty flower piercer.jpg
Slaty flowerpiercer pierces flower-f...jpg
Yellow-throated toucan drinks water ...jpg
Orange-collared manakin .jpg
Bay-headed tanager-final.jpg
Scarlet macaws soar.jpg
Male resplendent quetzal eats avocadojpg
Resplendent quetzal male.jpg
Red-legged honeycreeper male.jpg
Red-legged honeycreeper.jpg
Lesson's mot mot.jpg
Red-legged honey creeper final.jpg
Female great currasow close.jpg
Great currasow hen walks with her ch...jpg
Great currasow male-final.jpg
Rufous-tailed hummingbird preens.jpg
Snowcap hummingbird.jpg
Snow cap hummingbird-FINAL.jpg
Black-crested coquette male.jpg
Lesser violetear shows off ears.jpg
Lesser violetear takes off.jpg
Lesser Violetear.jpg
Fiery throated hummingbird-final.jpg
Violet sabrewing2.jpg
Chestnut sided warbler male-4 final.jpg
Pacific screech owlet2.jpg
Golden-browed chlorophonia.jpg
"I see you" - Golden-browe...jpg
Volcano junco.jpg
Volcano junco_2.JPG
Crested guan and keel-billed toucan.jpg
Male green honeycreeper.jpg
Female green honeycreeper.jpg
Northern emerald toucanet-final.jpg
Scarlet-thighed dacnis male.jpg
Slaty-tailed trogon.jpg
Gray-capped flycatcher.jpg
Emerald tanager.jpg
Gray-headed tanager 2H final.jpg
Gray-headed tananger.jpg
Male and female scarlet rump tanager...jpg
Gray-crowned yellowthroat.jpg
Collared aracaris.jpg
Magnificent frigate bird soars.jpg
Male scarlet rumped tanager.jpg
Melodious blackbird.jpg
Silver-throated tanager.jpg
Masked tityra in tree.jpg
Common black hawk files in the rain.jpg
Common black hawks in the rain.jpg
Green thorntail hummingbird-final.jpg
Rufous-naped wren-final.jpg
Great Kiskadee-final.jpg
Female hepatic tanager preens-final.jpg
Female white-throated mountain gem-f...jpg
Common Chlorospingas with a nut.jpg
Crested caracara juvenile feeds on a...jpg
Blue gray tanager-final.jpg
Turquoise browed mot mot with bug.jpg
Spotted barb tail creeper.jpg
Red-throated ant tanager.jpg
Red-throated ant bird.jpg
Buff-throated Saltator 1 final.jpg
Buff-throated saltator3-final.jpg
Buff-throated Saltator2 final.jpg
Black-billed nightingale thrush-fina...jpg
Violet Sabrewing hummingbird final.jpg
Gartered trogon.jpg
Scale-crested pygmy-tyrant-final.jpg
Female Hoffmann’s woodpecker-final.jpg
Golden Olive woodpecker.jpg
Collared redstart-final.jpg
Rufous-colored sparrow.jpg
White-naped brushfinch final.jpg
Scarlet rumped tanager2.jpg
Green-crowned brilliant hummingbird.jpg
Acorn woodpecker Costa Rica final.jpg
Crested guan in tree.jpg
Red-throated ant tanager2.jpg
spotted wood quail.jpg
Montezuma Oropendola.jpg
Orange-chinned parakeet.jpg
Double-striped thick knee final.jpg
Northern waterthrush final.jpg
Bare-throated tiger heron-gigapixel-...jpg
Collared aracari-final2.jpg
Gray-headed chachalaca.jpg
Scarlet rump tanager in tree-final.JPG
Golden-hooded tanager-final.jpg